One Simple Way to Improve Your Current Situation

Sometimes a small adjustment can make a big difference

This quote has had a profoundly positive impact on me. In many ways, it changed my life.

“If you don’t like something, change it.
If you can’t change it, change your attitude about it.”
– Maya Angelou

I used to whine about EVERYTHING I didn’t like. Like a malignant Johnny Appleseed, I spread my complaints far and wide to all who would listen.

No wonder people didn’t want to be around me… except for fellow whiners.

Ironically, but not surprisingly, I didn’t always want to be around my fellow whiners. Somehow, I didn’t see the connection.

Here’s how all that changed…


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Wishing for Better Times & “Wasting” Your Problems

Here’s a More Empowering Approach to Life’s Challenges

Making a wish with a wishboneDon’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.
Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills.
Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”
— Jim Rohn

I’ve got a confession to make.

For a loooong time, when I was faced with a difficult situation, I would turn to God and plead with him to change the situation… and/or deliver me from it. That was my exclusive focus.

Now, it is good to pray… and to seek divine help. I do this regularly. The people who pray in the Bible often pray for God’s deliverance. But, those situations were typically things far beyond one’s control (e.g. an invading army, a drought).

But, I didn’t understand the whole picture. (more…)

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How to Change Your Thoughts: Try This Simple Technique

Changing your thoughts can change everything

How to change your thoughts- triumph over the voicesChange your thoughts
and you change your world.
  – Norman Vincent Peale

This is a profound quote… but let’s be honest. It can be a little frustrating to hear (at least at first).

It’s like being told, “Make a million dollars, and your world will change!”

Umm, ok, I agree… but how do I do the first part?

Have you ever tried to change your thoughts or at least stop a particular thought from dominating your mind?

  • Worried thoughts
  • Angry thoughts
  • Woe is me thoughts
  • Give up thoughts

It seems impossible to change certain thoughts… but thankfully there is a technique that does work.

When you consistently apply this technique, everything changes for the good. I can say that from personal experience. 🙂 (more…)

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Surprising #1 Key to Success in Life (Research Backed)

Possessing This Trait Actually Unlocks Other Success Traits

Number one key to success in lifeWhat is the number one key to success in life?

If you have it, sky’s the limit. If you don’t, you will struggle to find sustained success.

Although there are many factors that contribute to success in life, one in particular seems to be the prerequisite upon which all the others are built.

Build this one success factor into your life and all the other dominoes fall into place.

Hint: the answer isn’t what you think.


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How To Think Like Successful People: What Research Reveals.

The Way Successful People Think is VERY Different

How to think like successful people thinkHow to think like successful people… that is something you must understand if you want to see greater levels of success.

Here’s why this is so important: from the outside you can’t see the REAL DIFFERENCE MAKER to one’s success.

For example, if you took…

100 highly successful individuals (success defined as those reaching their goals)

– and compared them to –

100 individuals who look the same from the naked eye but who keep struggling

… is there a difference maker?

  • Both groups work hard… check!
  • Both groups are intelligent… check!
  • Both groups have talent… check!

To identify the difference, you need to go below the surface. At the core of each group is a radically different way of thinking.

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